Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Solemn Promise

Words may all wither with time but
Let not this relation, any time

Life may take new ways with time but
Let not this journey end, any time

Precious moments may all vanish with time but
Let not these memories, any time

Blissful thoughts may drift with time but
Let not these be lost, anytime

Hope & Happiness may wane with time but
Let not this trust break, anytime

Support you gave may stumble with time but
Let not the hand you always held, any time

These days may not come ever again
Oh my friend let not this promise go in vain….

Sunday, July 1, 2007

To the dearest....

i cherish those silly moments we spent chiding eachother
I treasure evey minute spent just being together

They remain there in heart every word you said to me
they come back again and again memories of you and me..

I can never forget those times of endless joy
and can never bring them back in time,but why?

I wish, i always feel to see you happy and smile
but,I am selfish to see water in your eyes for a while..

your smile tells me that you are there for your friend..
but your tears tell me that you will miss this stupid friend..

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ruthful wrath..of rage

The violent storm of rage
at the zenith of outrage
breached the promise of trust
shattered hope in outburst

i shed my tears down the eyes
with the voice of despair in daze
it hurt the heart that cares me
so wild an act but didnt warn me

it costs lives in the end..
the pain for losing a friend
is still alive in every breath..
leaving behind its furious wrath..

Friday, March 9, 2007

Just For You....

I still remember the day I smiled at you
Expecting the same from you
All that was just to tell you
Its so much, I think of you

Those moments I spent with you
sneaking little things off from you
were best of mydays I shared with you
sad that now ,I miss you

when things went wrong ,it was you
standing by me, was always you
never to let me down when with you
it was so kind of you

times when I fought with you
hoping the next moment to say sorry to you
was just to take a chance with you
and tell, how much I like you……..

Monday, February 26, 2007


Waves rising and ebbing away in the sea,
are like people in life we meet and see.
Sweet are those memories of past,
time always passes in haste.
Whats Future?? A mirage of hope...
but Life is all is a game of hope!!
Every second that passes is past.
but some moments will always last...
Thats not just the lapse of time,
A treasure called Life lived ontime...

Here i am, fighting nostalgia ,in isolation
dejected and lost, in a state of desolation...

Friday, February 2, 2007


when words dont suffice to say
all a heart wants to say
when tears dont suffice to say
how sad was the day
when eyes dont suffice to say
everything a glance could say
when silence doesn't suffice to say
the tragedy of dismay

its a friend who understands and stands by you...
its a friend who supports and feels for you...

Friday, January 19, 2007


There are tears to shed
but no shoulder to cry
There are hundreds to help
but no hands to hold

There are words to share
but no silence to understand
There are joys to laugh
but no smile to soothe

There are sorrows that speak
but no heart to listen
There are pains that wince
but no eyes to perceive...